It was this last thing that really threw me for a loop, and so I decided I'd like to talk a little bit about that. That's kind of weird for me, since I usually try to keep the blog all, "BOOKS! XANADU! FLOWERS AND SAUSAGES!", but bear with me!
To start off, let me assure you this Crazy Attack had NOTHING to do with the book, or publishing, or anything like that. I'm not sure if that makes it better or worse, but I didn't want y'all wondering if I suddenly had a stalker, or a someone emailing me claiming to BE Sophie, or someone saying that he had a book coming out called REX WRALL, and what alien technology did I use to get inside his head and steal his precious, precious thoughts?
Nope. None of that.
Basically, what happened is that The Husband and I found ourselves on the outskirts of someone else's drama, and then certain players inside said drama decided that there were not NEARLY enough people experiencing The Crazy. So they extended us a polite invitation to engage in The Crazy.
(And by polite invitation, I mean completely nutty emails. FUN.)
And The Husband and I did what normal,sane people do, and did not reply to said emails because...well, Crazy.
And since we would not play in Crazy Land, these people decided to see if they could get OTHER people in our lives to play, and the whole thing became pretty distressing.
Now. We are lucky enough to be surrounded by people who are as allergic to The Crazy as we are, so there was no real damage, and for that, I am so, so grateful. But as you can imagine, this entire experience was kind of stressful, and Not Good. As a writer, God knows I have my own share of The Crazy, and I work very, very hard to keep that stuff on lockdown.
Okay, so sometimes, I'm not that successful at the whole "lockdown" thing....
When someone else just waves their Crazy in the breeze like that, I'm always this weird combination of horrified and embarrassed. Like, "OH MY! SIR! I do not know if you are aware of this, but your Crazy is QUITE EXPOSED right now! And there are ladies present! *swoons, clutches pearls*"

"My stars! That Crazy is practically nekkid!"
The Crazy seems to have died down now (and I'm not particularly worried about the people involved reading this blog. I've never met them, and I'm not sure they even know who I am/what I do. Which, yes, means they pulled all this on someone they don't even know personally. THAT'S HOW AGGRESSIVE THE CRAZY WAS), so I'm slowly starting to feel a little more balanced and a little peppier.
I have never, ever thought of myself as one of those Sensitive Artiste types, but sometimes when yucky things happen, I feel the need to climb into my little hidey-hole for awhile, and hang out with The Fam, and read good books, and watch Unsolved Mysteries, and laugh with my friends until I feel like myself again.
And while I was there, I learned a couple of important things.
1) If you let it, other people's Crazy will overwhelm you like Artax in the Swamp of Sadness, and that is No Bueno. You can't control how other people act, but you can control how you react.
Just in case you didn't know what I was talking about. Or in case you wanted to sob in the fetal position for a million years. Whichever.
2) Try to remember not to put your Crazy on others. Deal with your stuff. Own it. Don't ascribe motives that don't exist, when you assume, you make an ass out of "u" and "me," etc. Putting your Crazy on other people can only make YOU unhappier in the long run.
Thus endeth the More You Know portion of this blog. ;-)
SO. The last few Crazy Cooties have been dusted off, I got some KILLER good news this week that I cannot WAIT to share, and life can once again be flowers and sausages! (Yep. Again.)
Oh, you did NOT link a YouTube clip of The Neverending Story. **sobbing hysterically** But.. Artax he.. And Atreyu... *sobs more*
*sniffle* Okay, I'm better now, and can comment.
I have, on occasion, been sucked into a Vortex of Someone Else's Crazy, and can attest to the need to cleanse. So yay for you and your ability to persevere. Even if it required you to make me snotsob on your blog.
Dude, I think I told you about how I am VERY familiar with The Crazy. And unfortunately, these people DO know who I am/what I do.
Hopefully The Crazy emails were all in caps with several misspellings. Those are the best. :)
Ohmygoodness, I had an awesome time reading this post!
Thanks! I needed that. :)
Love, Hannah
Sometimes you realize The Crazy is a lot closer than you would like to admit. Thankfully, there are ways to disentangle one's self from said Crazy and insert lots of much needed space.
Enjoyable read and thanks for sharing!
Awesome, just plain awesome.
Why, why, WHY did you have to depress me with the Artax clip? WHY?
::sinks into the Swamp of Sadness::
Lucikly Xanadu makes everything better. Too bad Atreyu didn't have ONJ on standby to save Artax.
I'm sorry for your roadtrip into the Crazy. But I think this will cheer you up :)
I just bought Hex Hall on a total and unnecessary whim the other day after having it "recommended" to me by Visual Bookshelf. I sped through it in a few hours! It had evernything I could possibly want - love Sohpie and Archer - I still adore Archer: I know he has absolutely concrete reasons for make-out-and-dash! I only regret that I'm a super-fast reader and ate it up so ridiculously quick and now have to wait forever and a day to get my next Hex Hall fix! March 2011 can't get here soon enough! :)
Oh. My. Gibson Guitar.
You had me at Atreyu.
And seriously, I just stumbled onto the post from twitter, and The Crazy bit is soooo worth it.
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I can relate to needing a break from craziness sometimes.
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