So I totally slacked on last week's interview, but I am BACK! With a vengeance! And I'm so, so excited for y'all to meet Elodie Parris.
Oh, where to begin with Miss Elodie? Well, first of all, there's her name. I never really watched "The Hills," but I occasionally read the recaps on Television Without Pity, and I discovered there was a person on the show called Elodie. Somewhere around that same time, "Alias" had a character named Elodie, so the name was just floating around in my brain. I thought it was different, and pretty, and it conjured up a certain image that I liked. So when it came time to introduce my Mean Girl character, her name was immediately Elodie. Her last name, Parris, came later, and I got it after reading up on the Salem Witch Trials. Granted, maybe 0.02% of people who read HEX HALL will make that connection, but I still like having it in there! ;-)
Unlike Jenna and Archer, Elodie was always in HEX HALL, and in a lot of ways, she's a lot like Sophie (Both Sophie and Elodie would be HORRIFIED to hear me say that, but it's the truth!)
Personality wise, not so much, but in the way they both came through on the page pretty immediately, and VERY strongly. Elodie was Elodie from Day One. She was snarky, and mean, and uber-powerful, and- I thought- awfully shallow. In fact, at one point in the book, Sophie calls Archer out for dating someone so, well, horrible, and Archer insists that Sophie's wrong, that Elodie has hidden depths. As I was writing that scene, Sophie and I both scoffed, "Whatever, Pretty Boy. Blinded by hormones much?"
But by the time the book was over, I realized that Archer was right all along (please don't tell him I said that; his ego is bad enough as is.)
There was a lot more to Elodie than met the eye. And even though she's my Mean Girl, and Sophie's nemesis, and yeah, she does some really terrible things, I love her all the same.
Sadly, to say more than that would give stuff away! ;-)
So let's meet her!
(Side Note of Hilarity/Potential Obscenity: It was really hard to find a picture for Elodie, mostly because I A) don't have her on a cover, and B)haven't ever really seen a model/actress who looked like her. So I was Google Image searching red-headed models, and I found THE PERFECT face! It WAS Elodie! And yeah, it looked like maybe she was wearing a strapless dress, but whatever! I clicked on it.
And she had boobs.
I mean, obviously, she had boobs, she's a girl, but I mean, she had NAKED BOOBS. And while I realize I shouldn't be shocked at naked girls on the internet, my first thought was still, "Gah! Elodie! Put some clothes on!" followed shortly by "*gigglesnort* "Boobs." Because I am 12. In any event, I couldn't use the picture, even if I cropped the boobs out because I became extremely paranoid about accidentally exposing Nakedity on my blog.)

Name: Elodie Alexandra Parris
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Green
Age: 16
Favorite Color: Pink, but a classy, delicate pink. Not that tacky shade The Leech puts in her hair. (Ed. note: Believe "The Leech" refers to Miss Jenna Talbot).
Species: Okay, that is VILE. Dark Witch.
Relationship Status: VERY serious with Archer Cross. (Ed. note: The remainder of this space was then filled with variations on "Mrs. Archer Cross, Elodie P. Cross, Mrs. Parris-Cross", etc.)
What Do You Look For In a Friend?: Magical powers that are equal to mine, or at least not embarrassing; fashion sense; Loyalty.
What Do You Look For In a Guy?: He should ALSO be super powerful, magically-speaking; a good dresser; taller than me, but not TOO tall; excellent hair; hot enough to make other girls jealous, but NOT so hot that he looks better than me; a good dancer; a GREAT kisser; a- (Ed. note: Miss Parris's answers exceeded space allotted.)
Who Is Your Hero?: Elizabeth Bathory. For one, she was a CRAZY powerful Dark Witch, and also, girl knew sometimes suffering was required for beauty. (Preferably other people's suffering!)
What 3 Things Would You Take to a Deserted Island?: Please. Have you looked around Graymalkin Island? It might as well be deserted! No. Comment. (Ed. note: Graymalkin Island is where Hecate Hall is currently located.)
Lastly, Do You Have a Motto?: "The blackest chapter in the history of Witchcraft lies not in the malevolence of Witches but in the deliberate, gloating cruelty of their prosecutors." - Theda Kenyon
Um...okay, then. Thanks for that, El!
And here's one of Elodie's stellar moments!
“Dark witches do the bigger things,” Chaston offered. “And our powers are a hell of a lot stronger. We can
make barrier spells, and if we’re really good, control the weather. We’re also necromancers if—”
“Whoa!” I held up my hand. “Necromancers? Like, power over dead things?”
All three girls nodded eagerly, like I’d just suggested going to the mall instead of raising zombies.
“Ew!” I exclaimed without thinking.
Mistake. Simultaneously, their smiles disappeared, and a distinct chill came over the room.
“Ew?” Elodie sneered. “God, how old are you? Power over the dead is the most coveted power there is, and you’re grossed out by it? I swear,” she said, turning back to the other two, “are you serious about wanting her for the coven?”
Oh, I am FRETTINGLY anxious for the book to be released. Elodie sounds fun! (to observe from a distance, that is...)
I'm a little scared of Elodie ... in a good way! :)
If I haven't mentioned it before I will now..I'm so excited for your book!
If Hex Hall is ANYTHING like your twitter/blog then it's going to be so amazing. I will be there release day with bells on..ok, maybe I'll be bell-less but I'll be there.
Learning your characters is such a great thing to do! I can already tell how much I'm gonna LOVE this book!
Question; How do you pronounce Elodie?
p.s. I'm concerned that someone who looked just like your 16 year-old Elodie was naked on the internet. We should find her mother!
good one! i just added a lot of different emo backgrounds 2 my blog
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