Small Son loves his mousse-y do!

"Maybe if I close my eyes and push really hard, my hair will become EVEN POOFIER!"

"Now I strike a pose..."

"Aaaaand... I'm over this. Seriously. I kind of hate you guys right now."

Hahaha! Oh, the toddler years, when you can make your kid look silly, and there's not much they can do about it. That's why this year for Halloween, Small Son is going as a Spartan warrior, ala The 300, complete with eyeliner-drawn abs, and a gold diaper (and some sort of clothes under it, Mom, I promise. I won't send your only grandbaby out all nekkid in the cold!) Expect pics to follow! (Also, Felicia, doesn't he look wierdly like Colin in that last pic? I'm about to ask John if he was ever in Cali in 1998, because if he was, he gots some 'splainin to do! As do you! ;) )
Ha ha! I posted a photo on my blog of my son with a hairdo a la Cindy Lou Who from The Grinch.
Bored moms + blogs = infinite embarassment for our children.
Oh well, our book money can pay for their therapy later. :)
My kid loves to do his hair like that. He calls it "rock star hair." Snarf.
He looks so friggin cute! Geez he's growing fast.
And yeah, he does look a bit like Colin in the pics. Too funny!
Oh, Little-One-Who-Shall-Only-Be-Known-As-"Small Son", you are SO adoralbe! You are getting way too big! Your Aunt Tiffie can't believe that you are almost three!!!
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