Not much to post today, except that Small Son is 3 today! We're actually keeping it kind of low key. I mean, he's 3. He has many, many years of Insane Birthday Parties That Drive Mommy To Drink ahead of him. So tonight, we're going to our favorite Mexican place, as is tradition (The Husband and I had Mexican the night they put me in the hospital to induce because Small Son was already OMG so huge in utero.)And, since it's his birthday, I won't even attempt to make Small Son eat anything that even vaguely resembles real food. It's all fried ice cream, all the time!
Here are some more pictures of the birthday boy, taken this weekend.

Awwww... happy birthday to your little guy. How adorable.
We're having a Chuck E Cheese party for our boy this weekend. What WAS I thinking?
So cute!
After having two First Birthday Parties for my son, I never want to see another cake, streamer or balloon again.
Happy B-Day!
Hey Rache -
Scott Waxman is blogging ABOUT YOU.
Seriously?!?! I can't believe he's THREE!!!
I feel like an ass for not calling. I thought about him all day yesterday!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that first photo. I'm guessing The Husband took said photo...?
*side comment* Happy Anniversary Katie! ;)
I'm a little late, but, Happy Birfday, Small Son!
In response to your "insane birthday party" comment, I encourage you to visit this site:
Carrie: But Chuckie Cheese serves beer, does it not? I think that's probably the best idea CC ever came up with!
Maureen: We did it big for Small Son's first, and I'm with you. Baloons and streamers of of the devil. Those, and Spiderman cupcakes. Never wanna see 'em again!
Stephen: HOLY CRAP! That's too cool! Thanks so much for letting me know, as I LOVE me some shameless self-promotion! ;)
Tiffy: I could barely remember to call my own mom on her b;day when Small Son was tiny, so do not feel like an ass! I can't believe he's 3 either. Craziness! Give sweet Baby Etta some kisses from her Auntie Rae! (And yes, The Husband did take taht top photo. I think a pretty, framed verison of that is what all the g'rents are getting for Christmas this year.
Anonymous: Ooh, that site is very informative! I'm ALL ABOUT low stress, non-ridiculous parties for kids. Thanks so much!
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