Soon, Mes Anges, I will have the whole story for you. It involves a Magic Starbucks in Menlo Park, California,the amazingness of Agent Holly, several lovely friends, and me crying and laughing all at the same time. I promise to tell it soon!
But for now, all I can say is THANK YOU!! If amazing readers didn't buy my books, there would be no Exciting Lists, and no Crying In Public, and no Being So Full Of Happy You Think You Might Explode. So as excited and thrilled and humbled and overwhelmed as I am by all this, I wouldn't have any of it without you, and I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Wow. That went very Oscar speech, didn't it?
Anyway, promise to post a full tour report soon! I'm having SO MUCH FUN on the road with Sarwat, and I will have MANY stories to tell when I'm not so knackered (that's a fun English word I've picked up from Sarwat. I gave him "y'all," so it's a fair trade!)

Also, we stole a baby. Okay, not really. But we DID hold it for a long time.
Thank you again, and I hope you're all enjoying DEMONGLASS!!
Rachel, I am so, so happy for you! I LOVE your books! Sorry I couldn't make it out to see you tonight, but I hear you're signing somewhere tomorrow? Hopefully I'll be able to congratulate you in person! :)
Congrats Rachel, that`s freaking awesome...I am really excited by now...cant`t wait for Demonglass to be published in Germany...still four weeks to go...sigh...loved loved loved Hex Hall. You rock
Congrats! Totally deserved! I absolutely love love loved Demonglass and am already dying for Hex 3!
Congrats!!! I'm so happy to see a book that I love (and push because I'm totally a pusher) have major success!!
I feel like I tell the world "See I told you it was awesome" hahaha
Congratulations! You should make a sign that says "I am a NY Times Best-selling author" and wear it around your neck at all times. Does this get you into restaurants or to the front of the line? Because it should.
WHOA! I missed this the first time around!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought Hex Hall was fantastic and waited patiently (okay, I was tapping my toe quite a bit) for Demon Glass. Now I've finished it and am dying for the next book! I'd love to hear any news about it!!!
CONGRATS! I adored Demonglass! I was laughing on practically every page -- and chapter 32 had me melting into a tiny puddle of fangirl =)
Fantastic news! HUGE congrats!!!
Hi Rachel,
I just discovered Hex Hall and Demon Glass today and read them in a sitting. Great novels! But I do have to say (and I'm hoping you will take time to respond somehow) that I am on the Cal Train and I don't like where this is going for him. I know we, the reader, are supposed to be head-over-heels for the troublemaking, impossible-to-be-with-can't-live-without guys but just ONE time I would love to see the girl choose the guy who quietly stands by, waiting in the wings to pick her up when she falls- like Cal. I could be wrong, maybe you'll surprise us on this one, but I sense the majority will be rooting for an Archer/Sophie match. Guess we won't know for another year....sigh.
I loved both Hex Hall and Demonglass; and though I think Archer's great, I can't help root for a Cal and Sophie shipping. I can't wait for the next book.
Congratulations on the NYT list :). I loved Demonglass and am anxiously awaiting Hex Hall 3!
I'm so glad I'm not the only one on the Cal train.
I just read Demonglass!!! AMAZING!!!! Definitely should be on the best sellers' list :)!
I just devoured Hex Hall in less than 24 hours and started Demonglass today. In a word? WOW! I'm totally impressed. The humour alone is fantastic but the rest is just SO good! Love it.
I read a lot of this genre and cannot believe that I never heard of these books until just a few days ago. I read a little snip of it on Amazon and thought, "Oh yeah... gotta have this!" I downloaded the two books on my Kindle and the rest is history. I'm officially a forever fan!
umm.... I know it's probably a bit soon to ask but have you decided on a title for the next book? ....just so that our little ears know what name to perk up for if we hear something comming to the shelves...? By the way demonglass was amazing-and my eyes are still sorta red from laughing so hard--> as for your awesome book>>>>yes definitly oscar worthy=]
...can't wait for the third installment to this epic seris!! =]
Rachel as much as I would love love love to see either of the Hex Hall series on the big screen you really shouldn't give it up because after all they will just make it terrible and a lot of your fans will tell there friends about this book and in turn the movie (if there is one) and if it's crappy then it will make you look terrible. also if there is any way for you to contact me about your series and what you think of this post just contact me with the email adress that I will have to give this thing. That is if you can see it.
Wow did I just post a type-o on the Internet what I ment was IF the movie was crapy..... Then continue on. Also I'm really glade that I'm not the only one rooting for cal.
Congrats!! You totally deserve it. Can't wait to read the rest of your books!
Hex hall and demonglass are the best books ive ever read. thanx so much! i really cant wait till hex 3. when u said ur gonna "stop writing about sophie and co.", were u saying that ur not writing any more hex hall books?! me and my sis were looking forward to it being like and 8 book series. seriously, after i read hex hall, i never wanted to read another book. Thanx so much for the best reading experience ive ever had in my life!
Ohh, I am enjoying it. :D
I cried so many times when Archer&Sophie Kissed in the abandoned mill, and in the end when I read that Archer had to be killed. I had to take off my glasses and stop reading (although I wasn't too happy to have to stop until I could control my tears just to go to read again and cry more). I love the books and I can't wait until HH: 3 comes out!
Fantastic news! HUGE congrats!!!
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