Also, in the interest of streamlining, let's have a little list action, shall we? I'll limit it to 5 things, 4 of which are Writing Business Related, and one that is Totes Random (As Is My Wont).
1) So last night was a VERY happy night for me, not only because after MUCH CAR DRAMA, I had finally arrived safely back in Auburn (seriously. I'm not even getting into it because Car Drama is, like, my least favorite thing in the world. Even writing about it now is giving me the dry heaves. Blech), but ALSO because THESE CAME LAST NIGHT:

Yup. That is a BOX FULL OF DEMONGLASSES! And they are GORGEOUS! In fact, I hate to pick favorites, but I think this one MIGHT even be prettier than HEX HALL. Or that could just be my rampant pyromania speaking. In any case, they're lovely, and I can't wait for each and every one of you to have one for yourselves! :)
2)Speaking of DEMONGLASS, did y'all know we are only, like 6 weeks away from it hitting stores? That is MIND-BLOWING to me! This time last year, I was curled into a little ball of neuroses, waiting for HEX HALL to come out. This year, I've been so busy writing/editing/Doing Various Other Business-y Things that I haven't even had TIME to go CRAZY-PANTS yet! Maybe I'll have a DELAYED CRAZY PANTS MOMENT in the middle of tour. That would be fun.
3)And now speaking of TOUR, YES, I will be flying around this fine country if ours yet again the first 2 weeks of March. This time, I'll have a traveling buddy in the delightful Sarwat Chadda. His book, DEVIL'S KISS, is about a modern-day Templar who fights demons. It's full of swords and Awesome, so I'm REALLY excited to be doing this tour with him! Team Demon FTW! I'll be posting date/stops soon!
4)And in my last little bit of Self-Promo, HEX HALL comes out in paperback January 25! Or maybe February 1! Amazon has said both. In any case, it is SOON. In addition to being inexpensive and wee and adorable, the HEX HALL paperbacks also have not one, but TWO chapters from DEMONGLASS in them. Huzzah!
5)Even though the whole car trouble thing sucked and blew like whoa, I DID get to see The Mama this weekend, so that was win. And while I was there, I snapped a picture of her backyard. Now, seriously, seeing this, can there be ANY DOUBT that The Mama truly is Magic?

Also, bear in mind, this was taken in JANUARY. I am never leaving the South...
Okay, that's it for now! BUT...try to stop back by on Friday, because oh, Mes Anges. Remember that WTF Friday post I did a few years back? Well, I have a new WTF Friday for you. And it is a DOOZY.
See you then!
Oh my word! *eyes popping out of head* just look at that wonderful box of happiness! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy of Demonglass.
That is one gorgeous box of books! I can't wait to get my finished copy! :)
Also, you should see what it looks like here(in Upstate NY), its white everywhere. I wish I was down south!!
Just to check--are you trying to hurt my heart? That bottle tree is spectacular.
Rachel, I want to go to that place.
And Sarwat+Rachel=nonstop fun.
Also, you're still bringing the fancy with this snazzy new blog. Kudos to you.
I like the looks good! :)
What a lovely box of loveliness! I'm excited of it! *eek!*
Where/when will know your tour dates? I'm hoping you come North--which is cold. And snowy. And SO not the south. :(
"did y'all know we are only, like 6 weeks away from it hitting stores?"
Why yes, yes I did because I have sort of been keeping mental countdowns of the releases of all the books I'm excited about this year! Seeing as Demonglass is the countdown clock with the least amount of time I have been keeping a closer eye than normal on it.
Living in the UK I imagine I will be ordering Demonglass on amazon rather than picking it up in Waterstone's like I did with Hex Hall, what with the release dates being all different...
But I've been trying to decide if it makes me a crazy person to order a US copy of Hex Hall just so I can have shiny matching harback books all lined up on my shelves for the whole series. And now with this paperback news you're making me realize I'm definitely crazy for considering buying that just for the preview chapters!
Suffice to say I am very psyched for Demonglass and that box of books makes me grin :D
Can I just say that I love your header? I just want to visit that place, wherever it is (with Sophie, of course!). Demonglass is super pretty. Congrats!
I love Sarwat Chadda! I read the first of his Templar books and now I'm waiting on Dark Goddess!
On an unrelated but also cool note: we have the same blog background!
YAY!! See you guys in Houston!!
Ooh pretty books! I can't wait to read Demonglass!
I can't wait to read Demonglass! The cover looks fabulous.
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