Okay, first of all, I realize that I did NOT deliver on my WTF Friday promise. In my defense, I completely forgot that I would be traveling on Friday, and that my chances of blogging would therefore be very, very low. And sadly, I will be traveling THIS Friday as well (to a seeeeecret locations with seeeeeeecret people, and...okay, I'm going to Utah to hang out with Lindsey Leavitt.)

Artist's rendering of me and LL in Utah.
So I don't want to make any promises for THIS Friday either! I will try, though!
This past Friday, I was in our nation's capital for the American Booksellers Association's Winter Institute. It was quite the whirlwind trip (I was literally there for less than 24 hours!), but I had a BLAST! Not only did I get to meet amazing authors like Beth Revis (ACROSS THE UNIVERSE), Veronica Roth (DIVERGENT), and Melissa Kantor (THE DARLINGS ARE FOREVER), but I also got to talk with tons of independent booksellers from all over the country! Heck, all over the WORLD, since I met one lady from Norway (I may have scared her with The Story of How Her Country Attempted To Murder The Husband Via a Reindeer).
People, if there is an independent bookstore in your town, USE IT. The people who run these stores are so passionate and knowledgeable and fabulous! I literally left ABA with DOZENS of stores I wanted to visit! And it made me even MORE excited about the great indies I'll be seeing on tour!
I also got to eat something called Krispy Kreme Bread Pudding, but it was a deeply personal and spiritual moment, and I'd prefer not to share.
Speaking of tour, my Soon-To-Be Tour Buddy, Sarwat Chadda, did a very fun interview with me over at his blog. In it, we discuss the HEX HALL books, British Stuff, and whether or not Boobs Are Magic (spoiler: Yes. Yes, they are.)
You may wanna go read it. And yes, if you come see us on tour, we promise to be that level of funny/inappropriate! YAY! (And dates to come soon, swear!)
When I haven't been talking about breasts on the internet, I've been hard at work on REBEL BELLE, the first book in a BRAND NEW TRILOGY coming out Summer 2012. One of my favorite parts of writing is researching since I am a Total Nerd. I mean, former English Major. What do you mean, same diff?
Anyway, research for this book has included stuff about Charlemagne, oracles, and debutante balls, so make of that what you will. ;-)

It's also included looking at this picture of James Dean a lot. THE THINGS I DO FOR YOU, MES ANGES!
Have a fabulous week, lovelies!
Have fun with Lindsey!
I just finished reading The Darlings Are Forever last night. Woot!
Also, the corning ware the Krispy Kreme Bread Pudding is in? Yeah, my mom totally has that set.
Interview with Sarwat? Hilarious.
Way to stay strong and not give away the secret formula. You got a little close in relaing that "boobs=magic" but we forgive you. He's a funny guy, I'm sure it was tough not to roll over and give it all away.
I'm so so sad you guys won't be making it to my town. Maybe next tour . . . .
I mean this in the least creepy/stalkerish way possible, but I had a crazy dream about you last night. I walked into class (I'm in grad school for Library Media), and you were my professor for on of the teen lit courses. We held class in an antique store filled with cool doo-dads. The class opener was: "Turn to your neighbor and fill in the blank: In life, everyone needs at least 2 redheaded acquaintances and 2 __________________." So strange!
OMG it was hilarious I couldn't stop laughing for like 5 minutes you are sooo funny :) I can not wait for demonglass to come out!!!!<3
Must say: Krispy Creme Bread Pudding?!?!?!?! How have I LIVED until this moment? I didn't know such a fabulous MARRIAGE was possible!!!
two: If you need someone else to stare at James, Darling James, for hours on end, tag me in!
three: Can't wait to read Rebel Belle. What a great title!
@Crystal: Yes! My mom does do! It is a REQUIREMENT in the South. ;-)
@Anon: Thank you! Sarwat is such a funny guy, so he made it easy! And I'm glad you appreciate my STALWARTNESS in not revealing Teh Seeekrit.
@Angel: HA!! That's hilarious!! I hope taht was less of a dream and more of a premonition, because that is EXACTLY the kind of class I'd wanna teach!
@caity: Thank you so much!! :)
@Ash: You are a good friend, voulnteering to come over and stare at Jimmy for me! And one day, maybe I'll be brave enough to make you the bread pudding. I don't know if we should fly so close to the sun, though...
interesting porn aggregating site.. it seems like it will give out a lot more in the near future. http://www.pornsmacker.com
ostensibly good porn aggregating site.. it looks like it will offer a lot more in the near future. http://www.pornsmacker.com
I kind of have a thing for James Dean. No, I really have a thing for James Dean lol. He's so.. lovely :)
yay rebel belle !!!! :)
cool porn aggregating site.. it looks like it will give out a lot more in the near future. http://www.pornsmacker.com
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