But even though I was not mentally or...um...candyily prepared for Thursday trick or treating, I ended up being very happy that Auburn decided to do it early because I went on vacay on Friday, and would have missed Small Son's first Trick or Treating! I know, I know, what kind of scum sucking Mama goes on vacation WITHOUT HER KID on Halloween? But this was a SPECIAL trip I was taking with MY Mama, and as my Mama and I are busy, busy ladies, this past weekend was the only one that worked. So leaving The Husband and Small Son here in Auburn (although The Husband DID have the advantage of having a huge bucket of candy for Small Son, thanks to the crazy Thursday night trick or treating, so don't feel too sorry for him), and The Mama and I headed down to my favorite place on earth, the Hilton resort in Sandestin, Florida.
We had a wonderful time!
This picture really sums up the entire vacation.
I came back all refreshed and relaxed and happy and ready to totally PWN Rebel Belle. Because I want to take December off to focus on Christmukkah and family and various things like that, AND I plan on rocking Demonglass 2 starting in January, I really want RB finished by the end of November. So I'm kind of participating in NaNoWriMo, but it's also kind of cheating because you're not supposed to bring a half-finished book to NaNoWriMo as that impedes creativity or something. So it's more like NaNoWriMoOMGJUSTFINISHTHEDAMNTHING for moi. Anyone else partipating in REAL NaNoWriMo?
Of course, I should also be working on revisions for Demonglass this month, too, so I've probably lost my mind. But I work best under pressure anyway.
Oh! And for motivation, I bought myself a little Rebel Belle present. It's a Pandora charm bracelet, and my first charm was this right here:

It's a Queen Bee! That is SO my main character, Harper. So whenever I'm feeling discouraged, I look down at my little Rebel Belle charm and remind myself that Harper would really like her book finished already. And also that the charm was kind of expensive and a completed book would really help justify the purchase of a tiny silver and gold bee.
Fabulous tiara. :)
I'm not crazy enough to do NaNo, but I shall cheer your rule-breaking self on from the sidelines. :)
Awww, man. Sandestin? Unfair. WAY unfair.
I'm no-no on NaNo. I'm a pretty quick writer, but if I want anyone to actually like what I write, or rather, have a chance at liking what I write, then I need to find a steady rhythm. One month is barely enough time to get into a rhythm, let alone produce something worth a read.
Good luck on the RB start. I feel like I'm pushing a boulder uphill on this latest chapter of my 2nd. Sitting on it for one month and counting...
Hey girl--are you nerdfighting it tomorrow in gadsden? I will if you do!
We need to take notes.
Carrie: Yes, my tiara was TRES FABULOUS, even if it was...um... meantfor3yearoldgirls. Ahem.
Stephen: I hear you on getting in the groove. That is why NaNoWriMo has been quite sucky for me so far, ha ha! But seriously, is Sandestin not the bestest beach ev-ah? I love it so!
Lindsey: No, I will not be in Gadsden. :( My hubs has National Guard Duty this weekend, and I serioussly doubt Small Son could handle a book signing in Gadsden! Also- seriously, there is NO good way to get from Auburn to there. None. But say hi to JG for me, ha ha!
So did you name your charm Harper Bee? Wish all of WOS could have been in Sandestin...
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