Yes, today is Small Son, AKA Baby Boo, AKA Ma Precious Beh-Beh's 5th birthday! It is very, very hard to believe Small Son is now half a decade old. Like a lot of things in my life, Small Son was something of a OMGWTFBBQSURPRISE!, and he has far away been the best OMGWTFBBQSURPRISE ever. I mean, look at him.

Four days old, and we were both pretty tired.

This is his, "Um, excuse me, I was totally busy with important sand construction, sheesh," face.

Small Son is pretty much always in this particular mindset.

Small Son+Music=Love

Typical Saturday...

Over. It.

Small Son proving he definitely gets something from me...
Last year, I celebrated the 4 week stretch between Small Son's b'day (October 27) and MY b'day (November 23) with a HEX HALL ARC giveaway. And since I have a bunch of DEMONGLASS ARCs sitting here, I figured why not do the same THIS year? Only THIS year, I'll make it MORE EPIC, and in honor of Small Son turned five, I will be giving away...YOU GUESSED IT!
How to you win one? So easy. You simply go to Goodreads! Right HERE! UPDATE: Now it's working! :) And then you click enter to win.
That's it! (Also, so sorry readers in Europe! Blame Gooodreads, not me! Maybe at some point, I can do a special, fancy ~~~international~~~contest!)
Contest closes November 23, so there's plenty of time to enter! And FIVE copies up for grabs!
Happy birthday, Small Son, and GOOD LUCK!

Awww, happy birthday Small Son! And, not to be selfish, but I'm totally stoked that the presents are for the rest of us this time. ;)
Happy Bee-day, Small Son!
Happy birthday Rachel progeny!
*shakes fist at Goodreads* *pets Goodreads* *tries to charmspeak Goodreads into showing giveaway*
OMG, that pic of him on the sand is so adorable it hurts. Happy b-day little dude!
YAY for birthdays and giveaways!!
Goodreads needs to speed things up, or else!
I'll be watching for the giveaway!
Small son is totally adorbs. (As if I expected anything less.)
Now I'll plant myself in front of Goodreads, hitting refresh...
That last picture totally made my day. :D
Omg hes to cute and happy birthday to him!!
Happy birthday to him! I laughed quite a bit at that last picture
Happy birthday, small son!
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