Thursday, April 22, 2010

Top 5 Cool Things That Have Been Goin' Down Here Lately (Oh, and You Know, Book 2's Title!)

Helllllooooo, Blogger Friends! So I realize I've been gone awhile. If you're a regular around this blog, you know that's the way it goes sometimes. So I thought I'd make a handy-dandy Top 5 List of Things That Have Been Goin' Down Here Lately!

1) I got to do a joint signing with Lindsey Leavitt a few weeks ago. It was MAGICAL. We had a great turn out, the amazing Crystal and Leah brought us cupcakes, AND we scored posters with our faces on them. NICE. And to top it all off, LL and I were just wandering around Barnes and Noble later when we spotted A GIRL PICKING UP LINDSEY'S BOOK AND GOING TO THE REGISTER WITH IT. Yes! An actual "in the wild" book-buying! We may have clutched each other and squealed. It was amazing.

2) I went to the Alabama Book Festival. Gorgeous spring day+old, Southern buildings+azaleas and magnolias everywhere+heart swelling with pride to be part of Alabama's literary heritage= Ecstatic Rachel.

3) My Beloved Editor Jen left Disney-Hyperion for a Sweet Sweetness Job at Putnam. This was actually NOT a cool thing, and something that made me rend garments, and sob, and leave Jen long voicemails begging her not to leave me (okay, so that last bit I only did in my head.) As y'all know, I Pink Puffy Heart Love Editor Jen. She's the one who gave HEX HALL a home, and she's been an absolute dream to work with. So of course, I was equal parts devastated to see her go, and thrilled for her AMAZING new opportunity! THEN the cool thing happened, which is that my new editor turned out to be the awesome Ari Lewin! I knew I loved Ari when one of her joke title suggestions for HEX HALL 2 was ABRACADABRA, complete with the tagline, "It will reach out... AND GRAB YA!" And so Team Hex continues to fill me with joy at its sheer amazingness!

4)I broke into my own house today. The Husband had locked the bottom lock on the front door, and I don't have a key for that one, so it went something like this:

ME: *mutters expletives*

DOOR: *is implacable*

ME: *remembers bedroom windows are open*

BEDROOM WINDOWS: *are high off the ground, covered by screens, and right above nasty thorn bushes*

ME: Eff you, window screen!


BEDROOM WINDOWS: *remain high off ground*

ME: *stealth*



MY RIGHT FOOT: *gets in window*

REST OF MY BODY: *follows as slowly and awkwardly as possible*


ME: *triumphant*


ME: *texts story to The Husband complete with much implied side-eye at his locking of door*

THE HUSBAND: I put the key under a flower pot. You are a moron.

ME: *finds said key. Shakes fist at sky*

WINDOW SCREEN: *softly* Aveeeenge meeeee.....

5) And of course, the coolest thing (and the thing you probably all scrolled down to read, meaning you missed out on some MAGIC-SAUCE) is that HEX HALL 2 OFFICIALLY has a title! No, it's not I WANNA HEX YOU UP. Nor is it LET'S TALK ABOUT HEX. Or HEXUAL HEALING. Or HEX AND THE CITY....

I am pleased to announce that Book 2 of the HEX HALL series will be called...


Now you're probably saying, "Um...Rachel, wasn't that HEX HALL's original title?" And yes! YES IT WAS! We jettisoned it back then because it was too dark to launch the series, and we wanted something that let readers know that there were laughs and good times amidst all the death and bloodletting. But we felt like we could get a little dark with Book 2's title because...well, if you've read HEX HALL, you know what you're getting into now! Laughs! Death! Puns! Angst! Snark! Forbidden Love! etc. I hope y'all are just as thrilled with this title as I am! :)


Heather said...

Can't wait to read it! I'm also mourning the loss of your window screens...that story might have made me dribble a little water down my front.

DanielleB said...

HAHA. THE HUSBAND: I put the key under a flower pot. You are a moron.

I'm so excited about the next book!

Jessica Love said...

Well, I was hoping for HEX EDUCATION, but I suppose that will do. ;-) Jk...LOVE the title! And I can't wait for the book!

Unknown said...

Yay! I love the title for HH2! Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Stabboes? My new fav. word! lol

Great title, I cant wait to see how it plays in with the book. :)


Ha! I knew that looked familiar when I read it! Way to go, you! :)

Hannah S. said...

I'm more than excited for this, that's for sure!
Love, Hannah

Jillian said...

Oh, wow, I'm glad you got to use the original title for the second book! Score for you! :)

Maureen Lipinski said...

Awesome! I always loved Demonglass, so YAY! (Didn't Holly come up with it, or am I hallucinating?)

Nayuleska said...

It's nice to hear the full saga of you breaking in after your funny tweets.

Yay for using a title you've thought of for the first one. Eager to read it!

Leslee said...

Yay!! Can't wait! I loved Hex Hall so much!!!

Violet said...

Haha! Your breaking & entering adventure cracked me up!

Yay for Demonglass! Can't wait to read it! :)

Lemi R. said...

when is the 2nd book comin' out?

Honeybee123 said...

Looks like you are pretty busy!! i CANT WAIT to read Demonglass. It is gonna be so awesome!

Stacie @ Whimsical Ficery said...

The breaking and entering story made me choke on my wine with laughter. (Those who scrolled down did truly miss out on some hilarity.)

And I love the title! Although I am partial to Hexual Healing as well. :)

Unknown said...

I LOVED Hex Hall! I can't wait until Demonglass. Next March right? Please tell me it is sooner:)

Nancy said...

Can you rush this next book:) I can't wait to read the continuning story of Archer and Mercer, what's up with the head of the council and other cool stuff. Fantastic writing!!

Vivian said...

I got your book at my school book fair, and completely fell in love with it! I couldn't stop reading until I finished...and now I'm dying to read the next book! Love the title!!! :)

Cindy said...

I love Hex Hall. It's so funny and i love the mixtures of emotions in the story. It makes me feel like i'm right in the story or like i am watching a movie.

Unknown said...

I loved Hex Hall and I am so excited to read the second one!!!!

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

cant wait - do you know who your new editor is?

Annie McElfresh said...

LOOOOVED Hex Hall!! The Best book I've read in 2010! Congrats, Sophie is fantastic!

Barefoot Liz said...

I can't believe I have to wait so long before reading Demonglass! For now, I'm telling everyone that they must read Hex Hall.

Unknown said...

can't wait for DEMONGLASS to come. read Hex Hall in 1 day. can't beleive u didn't know the key was under the pot. hope u weren't too injured from the thorns

AyeMocha05 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


Sunny said...

Thank you for this. I laughed myself to death.. but am somehow still alive.

(Finished Hex Hall at 2 AM. The fact that I stayed up that long to read it even though I had to get up at 6 says a lot about its awesomeness.)

colleenH. said...

as i said before in my message i am so excited for the next book and anyone who doesnt read it is at a loss of pure imagination, creativity and one of the best characters i have read about since the harry potter series (but those books will always live on with me and i think yours will too). happy writings!

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