She is married to a geologist, which means that they have incredibly strange dinner conversations ("So today at work, I wrote a chapter where killer fog, like, ATE PEOPLE." "Huh. Well, I was chased by an angry reindeer while trying to map parts of Norway." "Um...okay.")
Rachel also has a little boy whose main hobbies are playing video games, running around in circles, and plotting his Future Intergalactic Take-Over.
When not writing books, Rachel enjoys reading, travelling, and knitting (very terribly.)
Here are her books. She would really appreciate it if you read them. :)
HEX HALL, Disney-Hyperion, March 2010

DEMONGLASS, Disney-Hyperion, March 1, 2011
The 3rd book in the HEX HALL series, Disney-Hyperion, Spring 2012

REBEL BELLE, Putnam, Summer 2012 (1st in a new trilogy!)

Untitled YA Novel, Disney-Hyperion, 2013