BUT LESS BLAH! Announcement-y things!
First, HEX HALL 3: TRIPLE HEXXX, THIS TIME IT'S HEXUAL has an actual title! And it is....
I hope you love! I love. And I can say I love because, as has been WELL EVIDENCED, I suck at coming up with titles, so I didn't come up with that one. :) Also, I've seen the cover, and it is GORGEOUS!! Will probably be sharing around August!
SECONDLY: If you've ever wanted to come hear me ramble in person, you will have your chance tomorrow, Saturday, June 25 at 1:30PM. I'll be at the Homewood Public Library in Birmingham, AL with Rosemary Clement Moore, Jennifer Echols, Chandra Sparks Taylor, and R.A. Nelson. We'll be talking book-y things, and YA things, and I will try not to say amazeballs. NO PROMISES. ;-)
THIRDLY: If you are sad because you don't live close to Birmingham, AL and you wanted to see me, FEAR NOT. I have MUCH travel planned this year. I'll be at the Decatur Book Festival, which I'm SO EXCITED ABOUT I MIGHT DIE. And then, just a few weeks later, I'll be at the Brooklyn Book Festival!

Joyce Carol Oates will also be there. I'm going to attempt to make her my Beffie. I'm sure that will go super-well.
And then there MAY be something out west in November, and there will be more places in the Spring once SPELL BOUND comes out, so...yeah, many chances to hang with me!
FOURTHLY: I...actually don't have a fourthly. OH! Except that I am DEVASTATED because Game of Thrones is off the air for a YEAR. A YEAR MES ANGES. I love that show so hard. Probably because I loved the BOOKS so hard, and the show is a downright perfect adaptation of them, IMO. Sure, some things are left out or condensed, but the overall tone is spot-on, and I'm going to miss it TERRIBLY until it returns in 2012.

The show ALSO reminded me that Jon Snow is one of my Literary Boyfriends. Shut up, his shirtlessness has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. It's because he's sensitive, yet badass, and he's loyal and quite muscular and looks like he would hold me tenderly-okay, perhaps the shirtlessness has a WEE BIT to do with it.
Hope to see some of you soon!
I'm looking forward to tomorrow! That could also be because I'll be having fun instead of working though..
Maybe you can help me decide what version to get. Do I buy Game of Thrones in ebook or regular book form? I CAN'T DECIDE.
I am so very happy to hear you will be at the Decatur Book Festival this year. I have not seen the lineup yet and anticipating it, so very much! :)
Decatur Book Festival FTW! Will see you there!
Also Game of Thrones I ALREADY MISS YOU! Although I will admit that picture of Lord Snow does show of his gentle, loyal, badass abs - I mean, nature - for me, it will be more difficult to forego seeing Robb Stark, who got suddenly awesome about 3 episodes from the end and now I must see more of him . . .
Crytal - my 2 cents on Game of Thrones - go with the hard copy. The version I bought has appendices with all this info about the Houses and it's really helpful. At first, I kept having to flip back to the appendices and go - who the hell is so and so and what's their house? Whose sigil is the whatever symbol? Ereaders are much less appendix-friendly if you ask me!
I know! Game of Thrones and Doctor Who have both ended and now I do not know what I will watch this summer! (Good thing I just got a massive shipment from Amazon).
I agree with you on Jon Snow. In the show I think he's my fave of the younger generation. But I have to admit, call me a traitor, but Jaime "There are no men like me, there is only me" Lannister outranks Jon for me (But he is outranked by his awesome imp of a brother and they are ALL outranked by the sheer undiluted AWESOME that is Arya "Valar Morghulis" Stark)
Cannot wait to see the cover of Spellbound!
I am so pisses that I haven't been able to see you speak in person! I really hope you are booked in Georgia or maybe back in Dothan on a weekend so I can see you!!
Sadly, I'll be at the lake tomorrow and unable to (finally) meet you in person. To make up for my bad form, I give you this: 10 Minutes of Joffrey Getting Slapped. For whatever reason, the longer you watch it, the funnier it gets. (Or perhaps that's because I am super weird.)
The shirtless Jon Snow brought me in. I love the title!
I can't wait for the Spell Bound cover! See you at DBF.
I love the term "literary boyfriend". That is a very long list that I have racked up in my brain and Jon Snow is definitely among them. He is only literary for me as I have not had the pleasure of watching the series as of yet. Have fun talking about book-ish things!
You didn't at all say amazeballs. I'm not sure whether to be disappointed or impressed.
First: I love it too ;)
Secondly: it's a long way from home... (Spain)... so, the next time xD
Thirdly: Are you coming to Spain too?
Fourthly: Y.Y
I can't wait 4 'spellbound'!!!! only just found ur books and am hooked!!! Y does it end on cliffhanger? So Unfair!!!
Yay! Hex Hall 3 has a name :-) I've developed an unhealthy obsession with Demonglass and I'm always reading my favorite parts over and over. Can't wait for the last one!!
In Nguyễn Gia luôn cung cấp cho khách hàng sản phẩm in chất lượng cao với giá thành thấp bằng cách áp dụng công nghệ in tiên tiến trên thế giới và năng lực quản lý dự án hiệu quả.Luôn luôn nâng cao trình độ kỹ thuật và quản lý để đáp ứng nhu cầu ngày càng cao của khách hàng.
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Cam kết sản phẩm đầu ra đúng màu sắc, chất lượng, thời gian như trong hợp đồng & cam kết với khách hàng.
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